2022 Goldenseal - Winter
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Item Type : Magazine Single Issue
Publisher : West Virginia Division of Culture and History
Date Published : Winter 2022

Description:The cover story of GOLDENSEAL’S Winter 2022 issue features Norman Fagan. Mr. Fagan was the Commissioner of the Department of Arts Culture and History in the 70s and 80s and instrumental in creating programming that is still in place today, as well as the construction and lay out of the Culture Center, which opened in 1976. The issue also features an article from our State Folklorist on the Memorial Day cemetery clean-up tradition of the Mollet family in Southern West Virginia. Dr. Cr. Thomas reflects on lessons imparted to him by his father, and the significance of his father’s only toy as a child: a little red wagon. Bill Mahoney shares a holiday anecdote from his third grade year at Coalwood Elementary. Aarron Parsons shares a great story on the life of Okey DeRaimo. Don Coleman writes about his fond memories growing up on Jim Ridge. Patsy A. Reckart relates the Mystery of her Grandma’s Trunk, and how she came to own her Grandmother’s hope chest. Carrol Riffee Strawderman shares a photo essay on Boothsville, an area now located in three counties Marion, Taylor, and Harrison. Readers will find a short Poem about the mining town of Kaymoor, West Virginia from Clifford Davis. Susan M. Pierce writes about Karen Nance,one of the many faces of historic preservation. Barbara B. Grigg writes about her relative Nettie Farris, a female tent preacher in the 1930s. Deanna Edens shares a charming article on Pearl Bragg Laska, the first woman to fly her own plane from the lower 48 up the Alaska Highway to Alaska among many other accomplishments. The Late Barbara Smith, in her final article for GOLDENSEAL (dating back to1984) shares some of the history of Firefighting in an interview with Belington firechief, Phil Hart, and Volunteer Chaplain Rev. Bob Wilkins. Jennifer Cline shares her memories of her Grandfather Loren Cline growing up and the many folk remedies of the people of Appalachia. Former editor John Lilly shares about the Western Swing band “Asleep at the Wheel”, and their time in West Virginia at the start of their career. Merle T. Cole writes about the new West Virginia State Police Museum. New books on West Virginia and Appalachia. As always the magazine is closed out with Carl. E. Feather’s West Virginia Backroads, this time featuring the story of King’s Trees, a Preston County tree farm.

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